Artificial Intelligence
Verify insights from authoritative documents
Confidently forecast trends and detect anomalies
Process Automation
Integrate siloed data for enterprise-wide insights
Training & Consulting
Increase data understanding, proficiency, and utilization
About us
Our SDVOSB integrates with your project management and software development teams so you can leverage our experience in big data analytics.
We help you increase decision quality and velocity at every echelon by providing a full suite of data management services.
A few things we’re great at
Focusing on customer needs during data preparation, model development, and iterative improvements results in production ready analytics that inform decisions and impacts actions.

Predictive Analytics
Go beyond pattern and trend identification and use advanced machine learning models to predict outcomes and identify risk before it becomes an issue.

Business Intelligence
Extract insights and trends from dashboards, charts, and self-service data visualization tools built with scalable data pipelines that enable enterprise-wide data integration.

We integrate with your existing software and project management teams so you can extract insights and trends while we ensure data quality, accessibility, and readiness.
Predictive Supply
Our advanced machine learning models provide high confidence demand forecasts and lead-time predictions with models hardened for contested environments.
We are currently integrating our predictive supply algorithms into the Marine Cops’ premier logistic IT system to estimate when critical parts will arrive and ensure adequate inventor of replacement parts.
Generative AI
Trustworthy AI requires data governance, AI ready data, and efficient document retrieval. We enable verification of results against trusted source documents. uses FAA documents to demonstrate rapid data access while we provide data governance support including security, access control, and document control.
Features & Benefits
Leverage our experience providing data and analytics services to the DoD and other government entities to gain an advantage on your battlefield.
People Focused
By focusing on customer needs from the start we ensure that all of our efforts help you win.
Process Driven
Iterative development synergizes with continuous process optimization in our Data Forge so that every action our data smiths take yields value to you.
State of the Art Machine Learning
Our model selector chooses from over 30+ advanced models and neural networks to automatically select and optimize the best model to meet your needs.
Natural Language Processing
Our experience with advanced document search, graph, and vector databases gets your data AI ready and accelerates your decision velocity.
State of the Art Search
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Existing Software Integration
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Our team
We are a full stack solution provider for artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science. We are focused on providing exceptional service to our current customers.

Richard Witt
Founder & CEO

Jeff Hartman
Chief User Experience Officer

Todd Wagenhorst
Chief Operations Officer

David Robinson
Chief Relationship Officer

John Lloyd
Principal Data Analyst
Trusted By

Company Information
DUNS Number: 009932214
NAICS Codes:
51321: Software Publishers
541614: Operations Research Consulting Service
541614: Productivity Improvement Consulting Service
PSC Codes:
B505: Special Studies/Analysis– Cost Benefit
B506: Special Studies/Analysis– Data
B541: Special Studies/Analysis– Defense
R405: Operations Research/Quantitative Analysis